Thursday, February 19, 2015

Sexual Assault Prevention

Many students have experienced some type of sexual harassment during their time in college.

From the information received about reported incidents, it has been gathered that:

  • "6% of male college students are assaulted each year on college campuses"
  • "One in five women will be sexually assaulted in her time as a college student"
There are many institutions who are trying to help decrease the problem of sexual assault on campus. Many students are afraid to report the incident in fear of another attack or embarrassment. The officials on many campuses are using several methods to help the students who have been in this situation.

Some of these methods include:
  • providing counseling services with professionals
  • enforcing consequences on the people committing the assaults
  • setting guidelines for victims and friends of victims
  • hosting training programs for all faculty members
Saint Peters University of New Jersey is hosting an event for the purpose of informing more people in higher university positions of how frequent this problem is happening on campuses nationwide. "Presidents of all New Jersey universities have been invited." They will introduce an act that provides severe consequences for anybody who does not participate. They will also inform the presidents and other guests with information about sexual assaults on campus in an attempt to decrease the problem.

"New Policy Addresses Sexual Assualt and Prevention Methods." University WireSep 15 2014. ProQuest. Web. 19 Feb. 2015 .

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