Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Blog Post 2/17/2015

Racial Harassment Still Widespread on American College Campuses

The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education
No. 48 (Summer, 2005), p. 31
This source talks about how racial harassment is still prevalent on campus, specifically harassment towards black students. It stated that among the black students who had been harassed, 86% said that the harassment involved derogatory remarks made by someone on campus. The studies also discussed how white students said to believe that racism wasn't a "big deal" on their campuses and how they thought the schools were "accepting" of all races. Even though this study was conducted in 2005, it shows how on-campus harassment toward other races hasn't faded away. And with the rise younger students/people feeling the need to freely discuss about racism and how it's still in the world, this study proves to be very relevant. 
This source is useful because racial harassment on-campus, even if it's verbal harassment, gives the appearance that students of different races are not welcome to the school and that things could be very dangerous if attitudes like this escalate.  
-Maggie Auzenne

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