Monday, February 23, 2015

Prevention at UNCW

As a school who cares about their students, UNCW is putting an effort into trying to stop the problem of sexual misconduct on our campus for the safety of students. According to the UNCW police report, there were 9 Forcible Sex Offenses reported on campus, 4 of which happened in residential facilities (Davidson).

"At least 1 in 5 college women has been the victim of an attempted or completed sexual assault" (Caldwell)

In the current freshman class, there are 2,159 students. 66% of these freshman are female, making around 1,424 college women. If 1 in 5 women in college have been the victim of a sexual assault, that would make about 284 freshman women finding themselves in a situation of sexual assault.

Recently, UNCW has noticed this problem and has continued to put forward an effort to prevent the problem on our campus. The university has started by:

  • Revising the Student Sexual Misconduct Policy
  • Providing professional help at any time by CARE, the Abrons Health Center, and the on-campus counseling services
  • Requiring each faculty member who has been notified of a sexual assault instance to report to the Dean of Students

The CARE team at UNCW has also put together a packet for survivors. The Survivor Packet includes statistics on reported instances of sexual assaults, why the survivor should report their assault, a survivor's personal story, and some myths and facts of sexual assault. All of the information is to help the victim cope with the problem that they have experienced (Vance, CARE).

Caldwell, R. "CARE." For Faculty and Staff: : UNCW. UNCW. Web. 23 Feb. 2015. <>.

Donaldson, David. "2014 UNCW Annual Security Report." UNCW Annual Security Report. UNCW Police, 1 Jan. 2015. Web. 23 Feb. 2015. <>.

Vance, Katie, and UNCW CARE. "Information for Survivors." UNCW Care. UNCW Care. Web. 23 Feb. 2015. <>.

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